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Read below how all curriculums within Mini Mermaid, Team Mermaid, Young Tritons (MMRC) are rooted in standards outlined in the California Department of Educations Physical Education and Social/Emotional Learning guidelines.




Safe and Supportive Environment

Each child is encouraged to run or walk at their own pace, teaching agency over self. Smaller group activities ensure safe places to speak up and be heard.



Active & Engaged Learning

High energy learning activities bring home lessons from each day. Combining old school games with modern takes infused with lessons from the curriculum keeps kids active and connected to the lessons and to each other. 



Skill Building 

Multiple activities reinforce lessons with practical tools easy enough to use in or out of the classroom. 


Youth Voice & Leadership

Kids practice tools to advocate for themselves and others, as well as design, team code of ethics and accountability. 


Diversity, Access, and Equity 

Inclusion and belonging regardless of background are central to our curriculum. Understanding we are more alike then we are different builds children's capacity for empathy. 


Healthy Choices & Behaviors 

Movement is a central theme in all of our curriculums. Both activities and lessons teach children how to use moving their bodies to process feelings, concerns, questions, and find the resilience to reach their goals. We teach nutrition from a decision making lense rather than an elimination point of view. How will the food I am eating now, fuel me for what I want to do 2 hours from now or 24 hours from now? How do I create a balanced plate so I am full of the energy I need to achieve my dreams and goals in life. 




We are

Mermaids learn self-awareness and self-management by learning the difference between their inner champion (Mermaid) and inner critic (Siren). Knowing when you're actions or words reflect your pain or fear (Siren) vs. reflecting your courage and bravery (Mermaid) normalizes the human experience of FEELING. Throughout all of our curriculums, Mermaids learn to distinguish between two voices we all hear and struggle to differentiate. Mini Mermaid represents our strongest self; the voice in our hearts and minds which speak bravery and truth no matter the circumstances. Siren represents the muddled, confusing messages we hear from the world around us and inside our hearts and mind. How we tell the difference between these two voices and how we make choices once we have recognized which voice we are listening to are the tools we teach.


We Belong

 Team building and taking care of one another increases children's capacity for empathy and builds the courage to connect with others. Games and activities encourage social awareness of other's needs and increase each child's interpersonal skills. Teamwork fosters this growth so that all children experience belonging and are empowered to find other ways to connect with peers on and off the playground. 


We Can 

MMRC challenges the status quo and disrupts the perception of self-efficacy and growth-mindset set by culture's demands. Our curriculum changes the lives of children by shifting their internal experience and the way they interact with the world around them. We are redefining what the typical constructs of strength are by exploring heart, mind, AND body strength, examining what we each can teach and learn. We are breaking traditional barriers to movement by addressing each child where they are, encouraging them to find their happy pace as an important step to lifelong-balanced fitness. We utilize movement through training to run a 5k to facilitate these conversations and open the door to vulnerability and bravery. Children learn how to persevere through workouts, how to listen to their body and to silence the inner critic that says they aren't good enough. While attempting something physically challenging they discover their own capabilities may go far beyond what they originally thought. They find they are stronger then they realized, more compassionate than they knew and have more potential within then their current circumstances may reveal. 




Read below how MMRC meets the Standards for Kindergarten Through Grade Eight


In grades 2-8, MMRC is exceptional in standard 5 outcomes with an average of 91% of the standards met which includes teaching the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge and/or self-interaction.

 Standard 1 

Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. 

MMRC meets 10% of these standards for grades 2-8.

Standard 2

 Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
MMRC meets 15% of these standards for grades 2-8.

Standard 3

Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.
MMRC meets 58% of these standards for grades 2-8.

Standard 4

 Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to improve health and performance.
MMRC meets 17% of these standards for grades 2-8.

Standard 5

 Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.
MMRC meets 91% of these standards for grades 2-8.

All of our curriculums were written by teams of volunteer women from the community. The teams include; Teachers, Administrators, Therapists, Executives, Mothers, Millenials, Lawyers, Community Advocates, AND Mini Mermaids


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